ACHAT Statistics yields an eagle's view on your business communication. This module offers extensive standard statistics, a large amount of available data for individual statistics, internal arithmetic and a configuration tool.
All events of the ACHAT-controlled workflow are recorded as raw data and can be evaluated afterwards according to individual criteria. This special form of storage allows to redefine individual KPIs and create completely new statistics from the raw data - even for the past.
ACHAT Statistics provide its data accumulated on different levels - for the entire ACHAT solution, individual services, teams, workplaces and agents. authensis assumes that the specific statistics are covered by works agreements, if necessary.
You can define the evaluation period at any time from any length up to one minute, e.g. to compare years with each other or analyze the load curve after a TV spot.
Various export formats allow automatic posting (e.g. on the intranet) and further processing in other systems, e.g. through predictive analytics applications.